Thursday, May 8, 2014

Affiliate Marketing


Almost everyone interested in affiliate marketing wants the condensed version to success.  What's the secret?  How to get to the top now.

The secret is you, what's inside you and how willing you are to learn and work toward your goals.

The fact that you're reading this tells me you have a genuine interest and will be a great addition to my team when you decide to join.

There are 4 steps that will help you along the way and these must be followed daily.

Educate-Emulate-Eradicate-Employ, repeat.

These simple to follow steps apply to every area of life be it business, relationships, self development, finances.

Right now, we're going to concentrate on affiliate marketing.  Everyone likes to make money, whether a "little extra" or a 6-figure income.

1.  Educate yourself

Read inspirational and developmental books.  20 minutes a day is sufficient, but if you're like me, I don't stop until I've read a full chapter, so time varies.  This is key to success...always start from the inside.

Listen to audio  Again, 20 minutes or so everyday is good.  My preference is the Inner Circle which lasts upwards of 45 minutes.  There are a lot of great speakers that you can access online also.

Sign up for webinars and courses for training in the affiliate marketing world.  Better yet, save yourself a lot of time and searching when you join my team and get all the training you'll ever need.

2.  Emulate Others

Watch, learn and add your own flair to duplicate what people who are in the place you want to be are doing.

Associate with like-minded people as often a you can.  This can be in person or through such things as group hang outs.  You will have the opportunity to "hang out" once a week with my team as soon as you decide to join.

3.  Eradicate All Negative Thoughts and Influence

Carefully evaluate how you view yourself and your life.
Are you poor or thankful for all you have?
Are you confident or do you have a scarcity mind set?
Are the people you associate with empowering or complainers?

Keeping positive thoughts is essential to drawing positive results and prosperity into your life.

Again, this goes back to educating yourself with inspirational reading, audio and company.

As a member of my team you'll find the support you need and we celebrate every step of positive results on the way to your success.  You can start now by clicking here.

4.  Employ What You've Learned

Take Action....The only way to succeed is to fail forward.  Always apply what you've learned and make improvements when and where necessary.

This is a daily routine.  There is always room for a better plan, a better ad, a better outlook.

5.  Repeat

That's right...repeat... EVERY DAY... and you'll be surprised how quickly things can start to fall into place.

You're not going to reach the top of the ladder overnight, that's not realistic.  But know will always be supported in your efforts and you have the opportunity of helping others achieve their goals.

Affiliate Marketing is a Lucrative Way to Earn Money, Meet Interesting People and Learn More About Yourself Than You Ever Thought Possible

My team is BTC (Be The Change).

We are one of the many teams in Empower Network.

We believe in empowering people to become the best they can be.

You will Be The Change you want to see in yourself and the world by clicking this link.

By The Way, Our Affiliates Earn 100% Commissions

The products we sell are educational and training digital courses.  No shipping required, no waiting.

Please note, incomes here are not average as many of our affiliates aren't average.  We believe in working hard, staying dedicated, focused and doing whatever it takes to get where we're going.

Our Income Disclosure can be viewed here.

How Do You Get Started?

Click this link, enter your best e-mail address and you're on your way.

$25 starts you off with Viral Blogging

Affiliate fee is $19.95 so you can start earning 100% commissions.

I'm looking forward to working with you,

Colleen L Brown

Independent Empower Network Affiliate

Contact me:



Saturday, May 3, 2014

Baby Steps and A Helping Hand

Oh, those first baby steps

Naturally, we can't remember our first steps, but we watch our children as they attempt a higher level of independence.

They take their first baby steps in their walkers.  Very safe, secure and sure of themselves because those walkers are a helping hand.

The same type of helping hand from a chair or coffee table as they take steps along side.

As they begin taking baby steps away from these things and take their falls, we offer the helping hand to pick them up and guide them to their next steps.  We support and hold them up.

Baby Steps and a Helping Hand in Every Aspect of Life

Everything we do for the rest of our lives begins with baby steps and a helping hand.

Everything from learning the ABC's to riding a bike to driving a car to earning a living and raising a family.

When I joined team BTC, I found a whole team of helping hands while I took baby steps learning how to market and improve my self image.

You can find those same hands, along with mine, when you decide to join us.

Our philosophy is unlike most money making opportunities.

We believe in individuality, value, support and the freedom of each individual to follow their own path.

We are the helping hand as baby steps are taken to find success in life and business.

We are a family of like minded people who desire to empower those around us.

We believe that everyone should and can be the change they want to see in the world.

Our vision is to offer the helping hand to every person willing to take those baby steps toward a better lifestyle.

Step out of your comfort zone 

Change isn't easy to do. 

That's why we're here.  To help you find your direction, your purpose and your dreams.

Grab hold of our hands and we'll help you climb the mountain.  Your vision is at the top.

Colleen L Brown,  Independent Empower Network Affiliate

Work, learn and grow with me.

Contact me:
Visit my fan page:

Earnings Disclosure: 

Potential incomes are dependent on each individuals dedication and willingness to do what it takes to succeed. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

7 Principles of Slight Edge in Marketing...and Life (The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson)

Following these 7 Principles will not only help you improve your business, but all areas of your life.

I've been reading Jeff Olson's book, "The Slight Edge".
Did you know that only 5% of people are successful?
That's because they know the 7 principles and put them into practice everyday.

This goes along with developing a positive attitude and enjoying what you're doing.
Granted, there are times we have to convince ourselves things are enjoyable, but it can be done.

Let me take a minute here to tell you how I became so interested in personal and business growth.

I needed to quit my job to take care of my Dad.  I was glad to do this even though I knew the loss of income would hurt us.

What I didn't realize was no matter how carefully I budgeted, the impact would be devastating.

We were behind on the rent, the utilities....everything.

I decided to check out the money making opportunities online.

There are a lot of good ones out there, but they weren't fitting my technological inadequacies.

I lost a lot of money I didn't have.  I was to the point of desperation.  I had no idea what to do or where to turn for help.  I prayed.

Then, I happened on an ad that promised 100% commissions.

What choice did I have?  I decided this would be my last attempt at earning money on the internet.

Prayer answered?  Yes indeed.

I didn't have to know any tech stuff, they really do pay 100% commissions and the team I joined as well as the company, are more involved with personal growth than making money.

Truly, I needed the support and personal growth more to get a mindset towards success.

When you decide this is what you're looking for, you can join us here.

Very important....there are no guarantees anyone will make any money at all.  That depends on the mindset, dedication and willingness to work, sometimes long hours when getting started.

Our Income Disclosure can be seen by clicking here.

I have learned so much from my team and learning more everyday.  They have helped me to look at my life in a better light.  We can do the same for anyone.

Oh, and train you in the world of or offline....when you join us here.

The 7 Principles of  Slight Edge in Marketing...and Life

1.  Show up...everyday
2.  Be consistent

3.  Have a good attitude

4.  Be committed for a long time

5.  Have Faith and a burning desire

6.  Be willing to pay the price

7.  Practice the "Slight Edge" integrity

Join us now and learn more about the 7 Principles and so much more. 


I'm Colleen L Brown, I'm an Independent Affiliate and I'm anxious to work with you.
Join me here.
contact me:
visit my page:

Terms and Conditions, Privacy, Earnings Disclosure

Saturday, November 2, 2013

BTC (Be The Change) Team MEGA BONUSES - How To Get Them And Become A Marketing Pro

 Mega Training Bonuses for FREE simply by joining Empower Network

Joining my team (BTC) with Empower for $25/month (Viral Blogging System), gets you access to bonus marketing training from my top earning leaders for FREE.  (Valued at over $497)

This training is not available anywhere else, AND works for ANY business.
  • Capture Pages that have been created for you to use.  
  • Email swipes and auto responder emails
  • Sales and Marketing videos
  • Team training system
  • Training to generate leads for free
  • Traffic Co-op to get 100's of leads quickly
All of these are tested, tried and true.  Simply add your username to the capture pages and videos.

No need for technical knowledge, anyone can follow and do this.

You can start here.

 When you've bought more training products from Empower Network, you receive even MORE bonuses from my team 

With the Inner Circle, $100/month, you get the exact promotional training used by one of my top earners who went from making about $3K a month to $16K a month within 60 days. ($297+ value)

Obviously, in order to earn from the products, you will be an affiliate with Empower Network for $19.95/month.  This fee pays for your e-wallet.

Joining me is can do that here for $25

Individual results may vary as the average income is not necessarily average.  Please view the Income Disclosure Here.

 With the Costa Rica Intensive product, you will receive 3 Facebook paid marketing modules (valued at >$590) AND training from my SEO genius, Chris, (worth more than the valued $197).

The $15K Formula, referred to by many as the "Keys to the Castle", is the most comprehensive and up to date training in advertising.  Along with that, my team offers the following:
  • $15K case study:  learn how one of my team members went from beginning to becoming one of the Leadership Council in less than a year.
  • Advanced SEO training:  how to get traffic from the top search engines.
  • 2 modules of video training:  how to earn $$ and get leads.
  • BTC $10K/month training:  Live and on going training with leaders who are making over $10K/month
All of these bonuses are valued at around $1500.

Now we come to the Masters Course.  The bonuses here are priceless as in the training from the product.
  • You'll receive LIVE weekly coaching from the top BTC leaders.
  • Direct Mail Marketing System:  plug 'n' play system for your direct mail marketing strategy.
In a nutshell:  you get OVER $3,000 worth of training from my team for FREE.  

That makes the cost of joining Empower Network plus buying all of the products a bargain that can't be bested.  Work with me here and discover all that be attained by following proven methods to grow your business and create the time freedom you've always wanted in your life.

 Meet Amy, a single Mom, who is now one of the top earners on my team.

It's true, anyone can do this and become a top marketer, no matter what your business, offline, affiliate or single proprietorship.

See you at the next hangout!

Colleen L Brown   Team Be The Change

Is Your Life A Box Of Chocolates?

Have you ever opened a box of chocolates and broke open the bottoms looking for the "good ones"?  Rather a guarantee of what you're going to get.

You're looking for your favorite ones, the ones you're truly going to enjoy.
Maybe the caramel ones are your favorites.  They're easy to spot, you can tell by the shape of it, usually.

The ones you don't like, you put it back in the box and forget about them.

Sometimes, you take one thinking it'll be good, and find out it's nasty, so you discreetly dispose of it.

Maybe life IS like that box of chocolates.  We strive to find something better...a better paying job, a better house, a better lifestyle.

 I come from generations of poor people.  We have had a happy life, but without the luxuries we longed for.

When I speak of luxuries, I don't mean a fancy house or flashy car.  I'm talking about new clothes for the school year so the kids quit making fun of me because we were poor.

I'm referring to having an evening meal that you look forward to because it's some of your favorite dishes, not simply because you're hungry.

And so it has carried on, from one generation to the next.

My husband and I had fairly good paying jobs, it was enough to get by but no more than that.

 Then everything changed....

I was in a situation where I could no longer work away from home.  I was raising 2 granddaughter and was care taker for my Dad who was disabled and in a wheelchair. 

The size of my household grew, while the moneys to maintain it shrank, cut in half actually.

So I get the idea to make money using my wits and the computer. 

Let me say in short, I came to believe that was the dumbest thing I ever came up with!

Several opportunities that were claimed to be "easy for anyone" turned out to be nightmares.

So, how in the world could some people keep such a positive outlook?  I witnessed this from the leaders of these "great" online jobs.  How is it they can enjoy their box of chocolates and I have to live in the bowl of cherry pits?

 I mean, it's really about choices. 

You look at all your options, carefully weigh them out, follow the direction you like and discard the rest.

Well, that sounds easy, but practicality doesn't normally work that way. 

I spent a great deal of money on "opportunities" that weren't paying off....I was nearing desperation and despair.

As a final attempt to make a living from my computer, I let Dave sell me into Empower Network.

You can join too, by hitting the link here.

I joined as a member of the team, Be The Change.  By chance or by goodness, it was the best thing that could have happened.

While following the training modules in the products I bought, plus the bonus training from my team that was FREE, I was also receiving personal support and developing a new mind set.

You see, the reason most people never rise above their situation, is because they're like I was.  They believe there's nothing more for them, there's no where else to go, they're stuck in the life that's been given to them.

But I found out those beliefs can be turned around.

You can't remain down in the dumps if you surround yourself with people who are going in the direction you want to go.  Even if you're association with them is online through a team of supportive and inspiring people.

The past, like the chocolates you don't like, has to stay in the box.  Forgive whatever is needed and forget it.

Some of the best things this company has are Live Events.

 My Dad has since reached the point where professional care is needed, and he is receiving that in a nursing facility.  My granddaughter are almost grown, so their needs aren't as time consuming.

This, along with the extra money I've been earning, has enabled me to attend the events.

 Meeting the people I've worked with and learned from has given me the confidence and courage to keep reaching for all I wish for myself and family.

And the business part?  It really is a box of chocolates.

Every aspect of marketing is taught here.  I can choose the strategy that works best for me and I enjoy doing.

The value of the training and support is at least 10X what I've paid for it.

No technical skills needed, everything is provided.  Now, with the launch of the new platform, it's easier than ever to work on my business.

I can upload video, pictures, text to my blog from my mobile phone.  Working while having a life definitely has it's perks.

$25/month is all it takes to get started with the Viral Blogging System.  Start here

Nothing would give me greater pleasure right now, than to see my team keep growing.  To help people find their confidence and strength to move ahead like the 150,000+ inside this company.

  There are still struggles and obstacles to overcome, but I'm able to deal with them more effectively and quicker than before.

Why is that?  Because I know where I'm going and I know how I'm getting there.

Work with me and find all the good you deserve in life.

Colleen L Brown

Income Disclosure...average earnings here are not average.  Results may vary.  Our Disclosure is updated regularly, please take the time to view it here.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Internet Gremlins Got The Best Of Me -- But I Won! -- So Now, Release of the Beast, Part 2 --

The Compensation Plan

Empower Network's 100% commissions comp plan is really quite ingenious!  The ONLY way you can earn from this is to be an affiliate ($19.95/mo).

It is set up on a win-win basis.  When I first started, I couldn't figure out how in the world this was possible when most affiliate programs only pay a small percentage.  Then I saw how it worked and I was impressed!

In order for this to work, there have to be "pass ups".  In other words, commissions that are passed up to your sponsor.  I realize that sounds a little funky, but it all makes perfect sense.

Your commissions are figured on the number of products sold, not the number of people who sign up.

 Before we get too involved, let me remind you that results vary in regards to earnings.  Please take the time to view our Income Disclaimer here.  This is updated every day to stay in compliance with the FTC.

Your actual earnings are on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and every 4 products after (every 5th is passed up). 

So, your direct sales commission on 20 Blog Beasts is $325.  Then add the pass ups from ONE affiliate on your team and your earnings from the same product is an extra $175, total = $500 and that's residual income.

Your other residual income is from the Inner Circle at $100/month each.  From the same 20 sales, your income just increased by $2,000, including pass ups.

It's fairly easy to see the potential for a better lifestyle for yourself and family by implementing the training offered in your back office.

Remember also, not everyone will become an affiliate.  Many people use the training for their own business (online or offline) as customers only.  In fact, right now, there are over 30,000 affiliates and over 100,000 customers in Empower Network.

You can read the full Compensation Plan by following this link: 

 Please, let me know in the comments if there is anything else you want to know about this opprtunity.

Working toward a better lifestyle,

Colleen L Brown


Great webinar given by Dave Wood on Wed, Oct can view it here: