Thursday, May 8, 2014

Affiliate Marketing


Almost everyone interested in affiliate marketing wants the condensed version to success.  What's the secret?  How to get to the top now.

The secret is you, what's inside you and how willing you are to learn and work toward your goals.

The fact that you're reading this tells me you have a genuine interest and will be a great addition to my team when you decide to join.

There are 4 steps that will help you along the way and these must be followed daily.

Educate-Emulate-Eradicate-Employ, repeat.

These simple to follow steps apply to every area of life be it business, relationships, self development, finances.

Right now, we're going to concentrate on affiliate marketing.  Everyone likes to make money, whether a "little extra" or a 6-figure income.

1.  Educate yourself

Read inspirational and developmental books.  20 minutes a day is sufficient, but if you're like me, I don't stop until I've read a full chapter, so time varies.  This is key to success...always start from the inside.

Listen to audio  Again, 20 minutes or so everyday is good.  My preference is the Inner Circle which lasts upwards of 45 minutes.  There are a lot of great speakers that you can access online also.

Sign up for webinars and courses for training in the affiliate marketing world.  Better yet, save yourself a lot of time and searching when you join my team and get all the training you'll ever need.

2.  Emulate Others

Watch, learn and add your own flair to duplicate what people who are in the place you want to be are doing.

Associate with like-minded people as often a you can.  This can be in person or through such things as group hang outs.  You will have the opportunity to "hang out" once a week with my team as soon as you decide to join.

3.  Eradicate All Negative Thoughts and Influence

Carefully evaluate how you view yourself and your life.
Are you poor or thankful for all you have?
Are you confident or do you have a scarcity mind set?
Are the people you associate with empowering or complainers?

Keeping positive thoughts is essential to drawing positive results and prosperity into your life.

Again, this goes back to educating yourself with inspirational reading, audio and company.

As a member of my team you'll find the support you need and we celebrate every step of positive results on the way to your success.  You can start now by clicking here.

4.  Employ What You've Learned

Take Action....The only way to succeed is to fail forward.  Always apply what you've learned and make improvements when and where necessary.

This is a daily routine.  There is always room for a better plan, a better ad, a better outlook.

5.  Repeat

That's right...repeat... EVERY DAY... and you'll be surprised how quickly things can start to fall into place.

You're not going to reach the top of the ladder overnight, that's not realistic.  But know will always be supported in your efforts and you have the opportunity of helping others achieve their goals.

Affiliate Marketing is a Lucrative Way to Earn Money, Meet Interesting People and Learn More About Yourself Than You Ever Thought Possible

My team is BTC (Be The Change).

We are one of the many teams in Empower Network.

We believe in empowering people to become the best they can be.

You will Be The Change you want to see in yourself and the world by clicking this link.

By The Way, Our Affiliates Earn 100% Commissions

The products we sell are educational and training digital courses.  No shipping required, no waiting.

Please note, incomes here are not average as many of our affiliates aren't average.  We believe in working hard, staying dedicated, focused and doing whatever it takes to get where we're going.

Our Income Disclosure can be viewed here.

How Do You Get Started?

Click this link, enter your best e-mail address and you're on your way.

$25 starts you off with Viral Blogging

Affiliate fee is $19.95 so you can start earning 100% commissions.

I'm looking forward to working with you,

Colleen L Brown

Independent Empower Network Affiliate

Contact me:



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