Saturday, May 3, 2014

Baby Steps and A Helping Hand

Oh, those first baby steps

Naturally, we can't remember our first steps, but we watch our children as they attempt a higher level of independence.

They take their first baby steps in their walkers.  Very safe, secure and sure of themselves because those walkers are a helping hand.

The same type of helping hand from a chair or coffee table as they take steps along side.

As they begin taking baby steps away from these things and take their falls, we offer the helping hand to pick them up and guide them to their next steps.  We support and hold them up.

Baby Steps and a Helping Hand in Every Aspect of Life

Everything we do for the rest of our lives begins with baby steps and a helping hand.

Everything from learning the ABC's to riding a bike to driving a car to earning a living and raising a family.

When I joined team BTC, I found a whole team of helping hands while I took baby steps learning how to market and improve my self image.

You can find those same hands, along with mine, when you decide to join us.

Our philosophy is unlike most money making opportunities.

We believe in individuality, value, support and the freedom of each individual to follow their own path.

We are the helping hand as baby steps are taken to find success in life and business.

We are a family of like minded people who desire to empower those around us.

We believe that everyone should and can be the change they want to see in the world.

Our vision is to offer the helping hand to every person willing to take those baby steps toward a better lifestyle.

Step out of your comfort zone 

Change isn't easy to do. 

That's why we're here.  To help you find your direction, your purpose and your dreams.

Grab hold of our hands and we'll help you climb the mountain.  Your vision is at the top.

Colleen L Brown,  Independent Empower Network Affiliate

Work, learn and grow with me.

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Earnings Disclosure: 

Potential incomes are dependent on each individuals dedication and willingness to do what it takes to succeed. 

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