Saturday, November 2, 2013

BTC (Be The Change) Team MEGA BONUSES - How To Get Them And Become A Marketing Pro

 Mega Training Bonuses for FREE simply by joining Empower Network

Joining my team (BTC) with Empower for $25/month (Viral Blogging System), gets you access to bonus marketing training from my top earning leaders for FREE.  (Valued at over $497)

This training is not available anywhere else, AND works for ANY business.
  • Capture Pages that have been created for you to use.  
  • Email swipes and auto responder emails
  • Sales and Marketing videos
  • Team training system
  • Training to generate leads for free
  • Traffic Co-op to get 100's of leads quickly
All of these are tested, tried and true.  Simply add your username to the capture pages and videos.

No need for technical knowledge, anyone can follow and do this.

You can start here.

 When you've bought more training products from Empower Network, you receive even MORE bonuses from my team 

With the Inner Circle, $100/month, you get the exact promotional training used by one of my top earners who went from making about $3K a month to $16K a month within 60 days. ($297+ value)

Obviously, in order to earn from the products, you will be an affiliate with Empower Network for $19.95/month.  This fee pays for your e-wallet.

Joining me is can do that here for $25

Individual results may vary as the average income is not necessarily average.  Please view the Income Disclosure Here.

 With the Costa Rica Intensive product, you will receive 3 Facebook paid marketing modules (valued at >$590) AND training from my SEO genius, Chris, (worth more than the valued $197).

The $15K Formula, referred to by many as the "Keys to the Castle", is the most comprehensive and up to date training in advertising.  Along with that, my team offers the following:
  • $15K case study:  learn how one of my team members went from beginning to becoming one of the Leadership Council in less than a year.
  • Advanced SEO training:  how to get traffic from the top search engines.
  • 2 modules of video training:  how to earn $$ and get leads.
  • BTC $10K/month training:  Live and on going training with leaders who are making over $10K/month
All of these bonuses are valued at around $1500.

Now we come to the Masters Course.  The bonuses here are priceless as in the training from the product.
  • You'll receive LIVE weekly coaching from the top BTC leaders.
  • Direct Mail Marketing System:  plug 'n' play system for your direct mail marketing strategy.
In a nutshell:  you get OVER $3,000 worth of training from my team for FREE.  

That makes the cost of joining Empower Network plus buying all of the products a bargain that can't be bested.  Work with me here and discover all that be attained by following proven methods to grow your business and create the time freedom you've always wanted in your life.

 Meet Amy, a single Mom, who is now one of the top earners on my team.

It's true, anyone can do this and become a top marketer, no matter what your business, offline, affiliate or single proprietorship.

See you at the next hangout!

Colleen L Brown   Team Be The Change

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