Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Internet Gremlins Got The Best Of Me -- But I Won! -- So Now, Release of the Beast, Part 2 --

The Compensation Plan

Empower Network's 100% commissions comp plan is really quite ingenious!  The ONLY way you can earn from this is to be an affiliate ($19.95/mo).

It is set up on a win-win basis.  When I first started, I couldn't figure out how in the world this was possible when most affiliate programs only pay a small percentage.  Then I saw how it worked and I was impressed!

In order for this to work, there have to be "pass ups".  In other words, commissions that are passed up to your sponsor.  I realize that sounds a little funky, but it all makes perfect sense.

Your commissions are figured on the number of products sold, not the number of people who sign up.

 Before we get too involved, let me remind you that results vary in regards to earnings.  Please take the time to view our Income Disclaimer here.  This is updated every day to stay in compliance with the FTC.

Your actual earnings are on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and every 4 products after (every 5th is passed up). 

So, your direct sales commission on 20 Blog Beasts is $325.  Then add the pass ups from ONE affiliate on your team and your earnings from the same product is an extra $175, total = $500 and that's residual income.

Your other residual income is from the Inner Circle at $100/month each.  From the same 20 sales, your income just increased by $2,000, including pass ups.

It's fairly easy to see the potential for a better lifestyle for yourself and family by implementing the training offered in your back office.

Remember also, not everyone will become an affiliate.  Many people use the training for their own business (online or offline) as customers only.  In fact, right now, there are over 30,000 affiliates and over 100,000 customers in Empower Network.

You can read the full Compensation Plan by following this link: 

 Please, let me know in the comments if there is anything else you want to know about this opprtunity.

Working toward a better lifestyle,

Colleen L Brown


Great webinar given by Dave Wood on Wed, Oct can view it here:

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