Wednesday, June 26, 2013

You're Only Disabled If You Think You Are

What can that mean?

There are so many things that people cannot do that are considered disabilities.  For example, being unable to walk or talk, unable to hear or see.  In fact, they're too numerous to mention them all here.  
Our minds are very powerful tools, and it is there that a disability is either confirmed or thought of as more of an inconvenience.  Mind over matter really does prove true...if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Living Proof...

A young man n my family was born prematurely and wasn't given the best odds for survival.  This same young man also suffered from retinoblastoma when he was a baby.  Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye which generally shows up in children under the age of 5.  He was treated for this, but the end result was loss of one eye and damage to the other eye.  
You would never notice that he is legally blind or only has one eye.  His approach to this his whole life has been so up-beat!
He spent his junior year of high school at a school for the blind as his vision had left completely.

Miracles happen!

 While he was there he called home and stated most adamantly that he wasn't handicapped, he just couldn't see.  There's a lot of power in thinking that way.  His vision would come and go intermittently for some time. He has enjoyed being able to see now for a few years.  That in itself is a miracle!  This young man has also become a counselor at a summer camp for the blind.
While he was at the special school, he also taught a young boy with multiple problems how to sign in the palm of the hand.  This young boy was not able to communicate before that.  He learned basic words: eat, sleep and hug.

More praises:

Yes!  He deserves much praise!  He is now in college, bought himself a motorized bicycle, plays online video games and so much more.  Nothing has ever slowed him down.  He used to scare the wits out of us when we'd see him skateboarding or riding a bicycle.  He always did whatever pleased him at the moment.

This is exactly the kind of attitude that a lot of people without disabilities don't have.  We can all learn from this young man and so many others like him!  It doesn't matter what your plans are or how many obstacles are in the way, you can do whatever you please.  And you can do it well!


That's how this young man makes me feel.  I'm sure that his story will touch others and they will pass it along, and more people will be inspired enough to overcome their obstacles.  In turn, they will help others overcome.

The very best to all,  Colleen L Brown


  1. Awesome! I love it! I may have shed a few tears.


    1. thank you, I cried a little, too while I was writing.
