Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Internet Gremlins Got The Best Of Me -- But I Won! -- So Now, Release of the Beast, Part 2 --

The Compensation Plan

Empower Network's 100% commissions comp plan is really quite ingenious!  The ONLY way you can earn from this is to be an affiliate ($19.95/mo).

It is set up on a win-win basis.  When I first started, I couldn't figure out how in the world this was possible when most affiliate programs only pay a small percentage.  Then I saw how it worked and I was impressed!

In order for this to work, there have to be "pass ups".  In other words, commissions that are passed up to your sponsor.  I realize that sounds a little funky, but it all makes perfect sense.

Your commissions are figured on the number of products sold, not the number of people who sign up.

 Before we get too involved, let me remind you that results vary in regards to earnings.  Please take the time to view our Income Disclaimer here.  This is updated every day to stay in compliance with the FTC.

Your actual earnings are on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and every 4 products after (every 5th is passed up). 

So, your direct sales commission on 20 Blog Beasts is $325.  Then add the pass ups from ONE affiliate on your team and your earnings from the same product is an extra $175, total = $500 and that's residual income.

Your other residual income is from the Inner Circle at $100/month each.  From the same 20 sales, your income just increased by $2,000, including pass ups.

It's fairly easy to see the potential for a better lifestyle for yourself and family by implementing the training offered in your back office.

Remember also, not everyone will become an affiliate.  Many people use the training for their own business (online or offline) as customers only.  In fact, right now, there are over 30,000 affiliates and over 100,000 customers in Empower Network.

You can read the full Compensation Plan by following this link: 

 Please, let me know in the comments if there is anything else you want to know about this opprtunity.

Working toward a better lifestyle,

Colleen L Brown


Great webinar given by Dave Wood on Wed, Oct can view it here:

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Release Of The Blog Beast!

Here are a few things on a "need to know" basis regarding the Blog Beast by Empower Network.

A bit of history:

Anyone who joins an internet opportunity has a primary goal to make money.  Dave and Dave did also, however; their main outcome for their business is to help as many people as they can to achieve success is business and in their personal lives.

They do not make money from anyone but their own affiliates they sponsor....they earn the same way everyone else does!

And YES, they genuinely care about people.  A picture is worth a thousand words:

There has been a lot of buzz on the internet about the new blogging platform, env2 aka The Blog Beast.

If you're as excited about this new program as so many others are, you can join my team right now by clicking here:  work with Colleen

This is an innovative program which allows you to upload to your back office via an app on your phone.  Dave and Dave spent $3million developing this platform and started working on it shortly after the original company launch (October 2011).

Empower Network is definitely an authoritative source for learning how to market online or offline.
In the 2 years they have been in business they have grown to 150,000+ customers world wide!  This definitely rules out any possibility of a scam!

Empower Network and the Blog Beast are taking the internet by storm!

Current ranking as of 10/20/13:
Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?            Global Rank Global rank icon217 264
Rank in United States United States Flag88

What happens when you join

 $25/month gets you access to the blogging platform + training. This can now be done via your phone. Presently, the app is available for I-phone, I-pad and Android. Although the app is not supported on ALL models, it is still possible to access your back office and upload to your blog from there.
This means you can run your marketing from more being tied down to your office and computer!
$19.95/month pays for your e-wallet. This also puts you as an affiliate. You will be paid 100% commissions on any training products you sell. 

Note:  Income averages are not average, results may vary.  The amount you can earn is dependent on your motivation, dedication and amount of work you put into your business.  Take time to view the income disclaimer by clicking here:  Link opens in a new window

There are other products available with higher levels of training, it is not required for you to buy them, however; if your customers buy any that you don't own, the commission passes up to your sponsor.

Dave and Dave have added a new training product along with the launch of the Blog Beast called "the Blog Beast Academy".  This sells for $297, a 1-time payment.

Here's a list of the other products to get your training to the top level:

Inner Circle, $100/month.  This is audio training and is updated regularly.  The recording are of the Empower Hour calls which are every Monday at 9pm EST.  Feel Free to listen in before you join:  (209) 255-1040.
The following products are a 1-time payment:
Costa Rica Intensive, $500.  
$15K Formula, $1,000
Masters Course, $3,500
Each product offers a higher level of training in self development and marketing.  Well worth the money!  The education you receive is equivocal to a college degree at a much lower cost!
The Masters Course is the ONLY product that does not pay 100%.  Your earning is $3,000.  The reaming cost is applied to technical services and development for the company.

Please take the opportunity to enter your best email and view a testimonial here from one of the top earners on my team.  Your email will allow me to send you updated information as I get it.

Bottom line:  The Blog Beast is absolutely the easiest and most efficient way to market.

Besides the awesome training, this system is fully automated.  Web hosting included,  Media hosting, $25/month, blogs are formatted and grandma friendly--anyone can do this.

No technical skills required, everything is done for you.  The only thing you need to do is blog and tell people.

Personally, I think this is the ultimate platform for marketing.  There's very little left that you can't do now on the go.

I love the fact that I don't have to do the 9-5 bit, and I can do the things I enjoy and a bit of work on my business at the same time.

So, why am I taking the time to blog here when I don't have to?  I still enjoy pounding the keyboard once in a while.

I will be adding more blogs with information on the comp plan, etc.  I wouldn't want you to join my team unless you're sure it's right for you.

Sharing this pic because it reminds me of Dave Wood  :)  This is my grandson Gabriel.

 Always be sure before joining anything!  I've taken my hard knocks, and plenty of them!

Empower Network was pretty easy to do, and that's saying a lot for this grandma!  I was a marketing dum-dum.  Now, with the Blog Beast, it's a snap!

Colleen L Brown   Independent Empower Network Affiliate

 AND Team Be The Change  

You can also sit in on my team hangout before you decide to join.  We have these every Tuesday at 11pm EST, 10pm CST, 9pm MST, 8pm PST.  Here's the link:
This is a great opportunity to get to know something about the people on my team as well as picking up a few marketing tips for free!

My email address, I will answer any questions you may have :)

 See you on the beaches of the world!!


  More blogs to read that are interesting and informative: 

Some of these are from a few of my team members....enjoy!!