Wednesday, April 30, 2014

7 Principles of Slight Edge in Marketing...and Life (The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson)

Following these 7 Principles will not only help you improve your business, but all areas of your life.

I've been reading Jeff Olson's book, "The Slight Edge".
Did you know that only 5% of people are successful?
That's because they know the 7 principles and put them into practice everyday.

This goes along with developing a positive attitude and enjoying what you're doing.
Granted, there are times we have to convince ourselves things are enjoyable, but it can be done.

Let me take a minute here to tell you how I became so interested in personal and business growth.

I needed to quit my job to take care of my Dad.  I was glad to do this even though I knew the loss of income would hurt us.

What I didn't realize was no matter how carefully I budgeted, the impact would be devastating.

We were behind on the rent, the utilities....everything.

I decided to check out the money making opportunities online.

There are a lot of good ones out there, but they weren't fitting my technological inadequacies.

I lost a lot of money I didn't have.  I was to the point of desperation.  I had no idea what to do or where to turn for help.  I prayed.

Then, I happened on an ad that promised 100% commissions.

What choice did I have?  I decided this would be my last attempt at earning money on the internet.

Prayer answered?  Yes indeed.

I didn't have to know any tech stuff, they really do pay 100% commissions and the team I joined as well as the company, are more involved with personal growth than making money.

Truly, I needed the support and personal growth more to get a mindset towards success.

When you decide this is what you're looking for, you can join us here.

Very important....there are no guarantees anyone will make any money at all.  That depends on the mindset, dedication and willingness to work, sometimes long hours when getting started.

Our Income Disclosure can be seen by clicking here.

I have learned so much from my team and learning more everyday.  They have helped me to look at my life in a better light.  We can do the same for anyone.

Oh, and train you in the world of or offline....when you join us here.

The 7 Principles of  Slight Edge in Marketing...and Life

1.  Show up...everyday
2.  Be consistent

3.  Have a good attitude

4.  Be committed for a long time

5.  Have Faith and a burning desire

6.  Be willing to pay the price

7.  Practice the "Slight Edge" integrity

Join us now and learn more about the 7 Principles and so much more. 


I'm Colleen L Brown, I'm an Independent Affiliate and I'm anxious to work with you.
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