Friday, July 12, 2013


Daffy Definitions--because they're fun!

  • Intellect:  anyone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without one time thinking of the Lone   Ranger.  (That leaves me out, lol)
  • Tomorrow: A mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievements are stored. 
  • Teenager: A person who is better prepared for a zombie apocalypse than tomorrows 3rd period math test.
  • Stress: The confusion created when one’s mind over-rides their natural instinct to the slap the ever loving crap out of a person who clearly deserves it.
  • Reality: The annoying time between when I wake up and internet access.
  • Diplomacy: The ability to tell someone where to get off in such a way that they actually look forward to the trip.
Interesting note:  Stressed is desserts spelled backwards!

Definitions you need to know for internet marketing!

  • FCC:  Federal Communications Commission. The federal agency responsible for regulating broadcast and electronic communications.
  • SEO Glossary: find more at
  • description tag: – an HTML tag used by Web page authors to provide a description for search engine listings. doorway domain – a domain used specifically to rank well in search engines for particular keywords, serving as an entry point through which visitors pass to the main domain.
    inbound link – a link from a site outside of your site.
    invisible Web – the portion of the Web not accessible through Web search engines.
    keyword – a word used in a performing a search.
    keyword density – keywords as a percentage of indexable text words.
    keyword research – the search for keywords related to your Web site, and the analysis of which ones yield the highest return on investment (ROI).
    keyword stuffing – the excessive, unnatural use of keywords on a web page for search engine optimization purposes.
    keywords tag – META tag used to help define the primary keywords of a Web page.
    link building – the process of increasing the number of inbound links to a website in a way that will increase search engine rankings.
    log file – file that records the activity on a Web server.
    manual submission – adding a URL to the search engines individually by hand.
    meta tag generator – tool that will output META tags based on input page information.
    meta tags – tags to describe various aspects about a Web page.
    metasearch engine – a search engine that displays results from multiple search engines.
    portal – a site featuring a suite of commonly used services, serving as a starting point and frequent gateway to the Web (Web portal) or a niche topic (vertical portal).
    search engine optimization – the process of choosing targeted keyword phrases related to a site, and ensuring that the site places well when those keyword phrases are part of a Web search.
  • Definitely not all inclusive, but a helpful start.  Many more definitions at

    Enough school for today!  Time for more normal stuff...

    Keep reaching for your goals!
    Colleen L Brown   Team Be The Change

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Identity theft...Who's really stealing?

Who steals your identity?

People who want what you have; your money, your car, your life.
Or perhaps someone closer to you...perhaps...yourself.

Something to consider, isn't it?  The truth is we all rob ourselves of our own identity and for different reasons.  I don't know what yours are of course, but allow me to share mine.

My identity hidden from me.

All my life, I never really knew who I was.  I grew up in a poor family, we were happy but had little more than each other, and I believed that was enough.  That's all there was.  You are born into a station in life and that is where you stay.  You don't fit in anywhere else.  You don't know any other way to live.

As I was growing up, it isn't that this was a known fact to me, but rather an understanding of how things work.  This has a nasty habit of carrying through to adulthood.  I tried so many things to make a better life and always failed.  I didn't believe in myself enough to succeed.  It all tracks back to the understanding as a child...this is all there is....there is no more...make the best of it.  So I struggled continuously.

And yet, something deep down inside kept trying to say, "you can do more", "you can do better", "you can do anything you want".  But I would push that back down for reality was telling a different story.  That inner identity, my true identity, could not survive the scrutiny of the reality around me.  I would not allow it.  I thought it to be totally illogical and therefore false.  Then something happened.  Something bad that turned into something good.

The illogical identity.

I didn't change my personality, that's a whole different ball game that I won't allow to go into play!  But I came to realize that my illogical identity was actually making a little sense.  Scary, huh?

I finally decided that I'm just as good as anyone else and I have just as much right to a good life as anyone else!  The key word here is "decided".

I "decided" that being out of the normal working world for so long, I didn't want to re-enter it.  I have a basic working knowledge of computers and the internet so I tried a few different programs.  What I learned right away was I knew not one thing about internet business.

This was compounded by one program that was designed to teach everything I needed to know about network marketing, affiliates, and so on.  It wasn't very long before my logical identity began to squash the illogical identity once again.  I have never felt so stupid in my whole life!  "Anyone can do this," was what got me in.  Then I realized it meant anyone but me.  Without a prior knowledge of a ton of terminology and how things work...I was not getting it!  I was absolutely in tears because once again I had failed.

But my illogical identity perked up and I said to myself, "Self, you are not a quitter!  Try something else."  I listened and tried another wasn't all that great.  It was not what I was looking for.  However, in my back office was reference and a link to yet another opportunity.  So I'm thinking I'll give it a bash, but if it doesn't work I'm done with this stuff!   I'll just go back to my logical identity's realities.  I'll get by.

Illogical identity wins...logic and over-thinking can kill your true identity.

I always thought that if I had just a little more money so the bills would be paid before they were late and extra charges were added on.
If only there was enough so the utility company wouldn't send shut off notices anymore.
If there was enough money so that I wouldn't have to pay an extra $130 that I don't have because the rent is late because I didn't have the money.

That's when it hit me.

Everything the leaders in this company had been saying finally sunk in...

It's not about the money.

It's about what's deep inside.  It's about goals and dreams that mean something.  It's about part of who I am that has been pushed back and pushed back and pushed back.

I knew, I knew all along, but would not recognize what was there.  In high school, the few friends I did have would come to me with their problems about boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, grades and on and on.  They expected I would have all their answers and, surprisingly, I usually did.
My logical identity finding the correct answer while the illogical identity was saying, "you can do can help this person figure things can help."  And I have always tried to help people close to me.

It took David Wood, David Sharpe and my sponsor Landon Stewart to encourage and lift me to the point where I could see my true identity.  There's only one, there's always been one, but the power we all have to talk ourselves into or out of anything that comes along is amazing!  It's like 2 egos fighting for dominance, good vs evil,  Batman fighting the Penguin!

I've learned that what I thought to be illogical was actually what was felt in my heart, not thought in my mind.

Who am I?

I am a person, just like everyone else.  And my to help put an end to persecution of the poor.  I want to help on a much larger scale!  I will begin by providing decent, comfortable, affordable housing for low income people.  And I will connect with these people and help them to realize that they, too, can do better.  I will do everything in my power to lift them up so they can pull themselves out of their situation and be better for it.  Happier for it.  Feel empowered!

It can start here!

This is the opportunity I have waited my whole life for!  I can work and earn the money I need to realize my dreams.

I want to start now.  I can't build those houses yet, but I can tell you that when you follow the link and watch the free video, you will start a journey of your own.  You'll be curious and intrigued.  Your logical identity will try to tell you that it's not possible, that just can't be true.  But your illogical identity...your heart....will say "listen, there's something more, there's something better, YOU can do this, let YOUR true identity be known!"

Let me help you.  Let the Empower Network family help YOU.

Peace to all, and realize YOUR DREAMS!

Colleen L Brown
Be The Change Team